Sele First School

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Year 3

Mrs Porter, Miss Robson, Mr Armstrong, Mrs Harbor, Mrs Crozier

 Mrs Porter, Miss Robson, Mr Armstrong, Mrs Harbor, Mrs Crozier



Year 3 2023

Start of the Year

Year Three (Y3) is the first of four years children spend in Key Stage Two (KS2).

They follow the Y3 or lower KS2 programmes of study from the Primary Curriculum published September 2014. Children are taught key subjects through specific units of work for example themes and projects such as Take One Picture, STAR WARS during STEM fortnight, Pandora and the Greeks.

Children can be taught by different teachers. For example, in Music, Spanish and PE they work with a number of specialist coaches in tennis and cricket.

They also have access to an exciting range of extra-curricular clubs such as Choir, Football and Dance. 

For further information about Y3 please refer to Y3 Routines and Procedures and Curriculum Maps.


Y3 Routines and Procedures
Y3 Curriculum Map Autumn 1
Y3 Curriculum Map Autumn 2  
Y3 Curriculum Map Spring 1
Y3 Curriculum Map Spring 2 Y3 Homework Menu Spring 2
Y3 Curriculum Map Summer 1 Y3 Homework Menu Summer 1
Y3 Curriculum Map Summer 2 Y3 Homework Menu Summer 2